This Police Credit Union branch is in the Palmerston Shopping Centre in Darwin. The design started with and built on from the Adelaide branch renovation Koush completed in 2018. It features a client-focused layout which encourages customers to move first to the enquiries desk for assistance, followed by the adjacent tellers, followed by the round meeting room for document signing and detailed consultations.
All offices and the meeting room deliberately face the branch floor, underpinning PCU’s philosophy of customer priority and transparency.
Way-finding elements including the feature timber ceilings and striped carpet, consistent with the Adelaide branch, again help direct you through the space. A feature video projection on the branch’s eastern wall catches your eye from the shopping centre forecourt to further assist with way-finding.
Darwin’s tropical climate required a different specification for the flooring. In this instance we used a woven vinyl called Bolon, including accent stripes based on an unweaving of the distinctive police checkerboard.